
Deliver unique content and data experiences for different audiences. Team members have control over their profiles, content notifications and more.



CentricMinds enables you to observe and learn what your site visitors are doing when they travel through your site. Deliver the right customer experience based on the user journey, what they search for and if they return to the same location.


Associate roles with content to determine the audience, location and longevity of content within the Intranet. Create project workspaces and allow existing staff to invite other staff to participate in the workspace. Publish content and choose what audiences the content is relevant for.


Create custom user experiences when different customers and suppliers access your digital business platform. Augment the user interface to display your customers branding, present custom reports, their previous downloads, personalized forms and more.

Document Management

Users can create custom document collection views by applying tags to documents that are associated uniquely with their profiles. Clicking on a tag will dynamically present documents associated with the select tag. Staff can also add documents to their personal Favorites. This collection of documents is presented in a personalized quick links section of the user's profile.

Packed with extra features

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